Contact School
For sixty-four years, Miss Alma Schrader was part of the Cape Girardeau Public Schools as a student, teacher, counselor, and principal. Born May 22, 1886 of German parents, Miss Schrader attended Lorimier School and Central High School. She graduated with a B.S. from Southeast Missouri State Teachers' College and was promptly hired to teach at Jefferson School. In 1921 Miss Schrader was promoted to Principal at Jefferson School. In 1921, she was named the principal of the newly constructed May Greene School, remaining at this post for twenty-five years. During those years, Miss Schrader earned the reputation of a firm and incredibly impressive principal, commanding good behavior and loyalty by the power of her presence. In 1937, Miss Schrader became the first woman president of Southeast Missouri District Teachers' Association. Honored many times through her long and distinguished career in the region, Miss Schrader died in 1959. Six months later, the Cape Girardeau Board of Education named the new school at 1360 Randol the Alma Schrader Elementary School.
Alma Schrader School is one of five elementary schools of the Cape Girardeau Public School System. Grades kindergarten through fourth are served at each elementary school, and provide a unified field of studies outlined by the district's curriculum guide. Children receive instruction in Communication Arts (Integrated Reading, Language, and Spelling), Math, Science, Social Studies, Health, with Music, Physical Education, and Art to enhance their total educational program. In addition, a full range of special education services are available to students who need them.
We invite you to take part in your child's education. Studies show that students do better in school when parents take an active role in the students' education. In order to allow parents to participate with us while keeping the children safe, it is our policy that the parents need to check in at the office and wear a "visitor" badge while on the property. This allows teachers to easily identify those who should be present while not allowing strangers to be among the students. Please sign out when leaving the premises. Thank you in advance for your cooperation with this easy step that helps to keep all students safe.

Alma Schrader Elementary
1360 Randol Avenue
Cape Girardeau, MO. 63701
Phone: (573)335-5310
Fax: (573)334-3871